
"Informal: the money or food that one needs in order to live..."

Part of my internship involves hanging out with some of our partner organisations who are just as passionate about justice as the Collective. We talk a little bit about what we do; they reciprocate by inviting us to join in with their stuff. 

This weekend I've been at SPEAK network's gathering, Soundcheck. It's definitely stretching the truth to say that I worked really hard all weekend. It's probably more reasonable to suggest that I listened to others' stories as much as I talked about mine (a rare occurrance). I learnt a lot about things that I'd never even thought about. I also met the most incredible people who made me think a bit about my dormant lifestyle by explaining their enthusiasm and activism.
I've called this blog "Bread" because of two moments during Soundcheck.

Today we literally shared bread together. Not official Holy Communion sacrament style, but a variety of Christian backgrounds blessing and encouraging one another. And chatted about the significance of food and community....

...which brings me nicely to part of last night's evening talk. We thought about the Lord's prayer and what does it mean to pray for God's kingdom come? God's will be done? What does it mean to pray, "Give us today our Daily Bread?" Something I've thought about recently. Have a read here.

Every so often I realise that some people are daily stepping out of their comfort zone to fight for what they believe in. I met some of those people this weekend. I've been challenged but encouraged. And reminded that justice can be as simple as providing daily bread.
