
There are a few things that, often, come too high on our agendas. And recently I've been trying to understand what it means to have the right priorities.

Priority: a thing that is regarded as more important than another. 

The modern world thinks that we should focus on certain things: like money, power and success. And as young twentysomethings we feel these priorities pressing on our daily lives. Education teaches us to strive bigger and higher, leading us to put pressure on ourselves to be the best we can possibly be. And when it doesn't all go to plan? We can sink instead of swimming. If we're not living the dream instantaneously, if relationships don't work out, when life throws us something unexpected.

It's easy to forget those other priorities. The ones which make us feel happier, healthier and more human. Here are a few of mine:

Sitting to eat with friends. 
Not in a 'let's eat something elaborate or go out for a michelin starred meal'. But the sort of sharing of food where the meal isn't the focus. Good chat about life, past, present and future. There might be laughter, there will probably be cake. But it's about building relationships, not connections. 

Jogging in quiet spots.
Big cities cause stress but greenery can provide peace. And there's something incredibly comforting in the middle of trees and gravel; the world seems slower and everything seems more straightforward (unless it's uphill... then it's a bit of a breathless reflection).

Cushions and books.
Sitting down somewhere and reading - and focusing on 'other' and not on you. Whether it's fiction or cookery book or spiritual reflection - it doesn't really matter. There's usually a large mug of something hot and comforting with this one (and sometimes it's even decaffeinated. Sometimes). 

Focusing on something new.
Something that you've always wanted to do. We can make time for anything if we prioritise it. At the minute, learning Spanish provides an outlet for adventure and learning. And dreaming of what it could lead to - which means it's definitely not a waste of time.

Writing words to....
...encourage or reflect or connect or pray or organise or dream. And for much more. Writing as a passion, not a chore. A medium of communication but of so much more.

It's different for everyone but priorities are everything; they're the makers and the breakers.

It may seem most obvious in our jobs and job applications. But let it seep into free time; those things we truly adore. To make us feel happier, healthier and more human. 

Understanding is one thing. Doing it is another... 
