
"...lover of words"

Quite possibly my favourite word and coupling definition so far; and one that seems appropriate after an impressive 90 blog posts. So, here are five reasons why I'm pretty sure 'logophile' should be added to my personal bio:

I talk more than anyone I know. Probably. Even when I'm on my own, there's an internal (and sometimes external) monologue happening which ensures that I'm always documenting my life and incorporating sarcasm to the day. Consequently, it's probably quite important for me that words exist.

Word definitions are amazing. Did you know that there are three separate definitions for the word 'practise', and a further three for 'practice'? Or that the word 'ambrosia' actually means 'food of the gods'? And of course, this very blog is built around the definitions of words and their associated stories.

Stories. They don't happen without words, evoking realms of imagination, shared experience and association. We relate to one another through stories as we document our lives with anecdotes; we watch films and read books to think and dream beyond our world; we emotionally respond to the world around us through learning and hearing. Stories; our interpretation of what's around us.

Words can change everything. Spoken vows at weddings; sworn oaths at court. Tweets that change reputations; Facebook messages that reach the wrong person. Someone paying a compliment when they could have remained silent. The words we choose to use. The words we forget to say. Words are really important.

Words have changed everything. Imagine if Shakespeare hadn't written down his plays. Think about historians forgetting to document who won World War 1. What about if Jesus's life, death and resurrection weren't written down? Think about not being able to read or write, like 40% of the world's children.

Our lives are shaped and inspired, encouraged and enthused, progressed and widened by the words that we use. And with 1,025,109 words in the english language, I have a lot more blog posts to write.
