Sometimes time passes quickly and sometimes it passes slowly but other times, it feels just right. Sometimes life as an intern is too busy and sometimes it's too quiet but other times, it feels just right. Without getting too "Goldilocks", February marks the halfway point of my charity-devoted ten months. We're in the second half and officially, the end is closer than the beginning.
It seems appropriate then, that I elaborate a little on the sort of exciting events that have happened over the past week or so and consequently this blog will be less "abstract" as often my ramblings are, but more "business" - a genuine update on what my schedule's been like.
I've been around the UK, eating three course meals in Manchester, Bristol, London and Aberystwyth. Of course, there's more to it than that. In fact I've been learning the reality of the words from our recent Collective film: "The food's not important, it's the people you share it with..." We've been discussing whether or not we can end poverty. And it's a big discussion.
What I've loved most of all is the diversity of opinion. Because we didn't want everyone to think the same because we're all different. I've loved hearing perspectives from a wide variety of ages, watching faces react and minds tick as the question comes alive at the table. the aim was to build community and I think that happened. The beginnings of communities across the UK coming to think about the big issues and what we can do about them. It's been exciting to watch the vision from last year transform into action.
Of course, there's been a lot of travelling and I do my best thinking on long car and train journeys. Midway is a good time to think "What next?" and a lot of people recently have been questioning what happens after June. Honestly, I don't know the answer. But I don't know the answer yet, and I'm recognising that there's still a lot more I'd like to think, pray, and learn about before I start making decisions.
I'm learning that I'm passionate though, and these events have demonstrated the potential and excitement that comes with tackling the big questions. The big issues. Pursuing more of that will probably happen beyond June, because when you become passionate about something you can't let go of it that easily.
I've been challenged to think about the future this week, but similarly I've been reminded of the definition of this word:
"Halfway: at or to a point equidistant between two others."
And there's still a lot more to come.
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