“When silence is a choice, it is an unnerving presence. When silence is imposed, it is censorship.”- Terry Tempest Williams.

Today I've discovered the antisocial side to being silent; how it's just horrendously awkward trying to communicate using overdramatic hand gestures and facial expressions. I've been running out of the office kitchen for fear that someone will try to make small talk. My face hurts a little this evening because of the many facial expressions I've done. But despite everyone being concerned that I'm dying inside, my smiles have actually been genuine.

Sunshine makes everything a little brighter, and the caring hugs and instant messages around the office today were very valuable indeed. Yet today came the realisation of my choice to be silent and the temporary nature of my challenge. Being silent is my choice. Yes, it's a difficult one, but this evening at our Church Annual Meeting I was able to sing and pray out loud (I checked this was allowed with three different groups of people) before retreating back into my silent world. 

The freedom we've got in this country is something we take for granted daily (Yet ironically this evening, I wasn't allowed to vote for our new Church Council because I wasn't a member), and so today I'm particularly thankful for freedom to speak and stand up for myself on a daily basis. 

Alongside this, I've been relatively comfortable with Living Below the Line; so much so that I feel a bit guilty that I'm not complaining about it more. I've enjoyed experimenting with the little food I've got, so this evening's Peach Flapjack - toasted oats and peach juice baked in the oven - was incredibly yummy, even if it wasn't aesthetically pleasing. 

Tuesday’s silent disco track: "Little Talks", Of Monsters and Men. This actually turned into a charade to a fellow intern on Skype. They didn't get it. 

Tuesday’s “I really, REALLY want to eat that” moment: Free ice cream cones in the office.

Tuesday’s least favourite food: Porridge. I still haven’t mastered it and it still tastes awful.

Tuesday’s Reflective moment: Having no voice means others dismiss you, and you can’t get across what you’re trying to say. Around our globe, millions of people are ignored because of their gender, social class or lack of wealth.
