
"...Involving or relating to the use of computer technology."

I've been overdosing on social media this week. I've seen lots of friends and done lots of things which I think are exciting. And when I'm excited, I tweet. At one point I think I said, "I have to tweet about this," which was a tad embarrassing.

Which brings me nicely onto this week's focus. It's another blog! It's not written by me though. I've been gushing about this since I read it a few weeks ago because it manages to encapsulate a lot about social media that we often overlook. Its original title was "Stop instagramming your perfect life", but unfortunately it's now been renamed. Without wanting to give too much away, it serves as a welcome reminder that digital life isn't everything. Yes, it's good for maintaining relationships, but so often our profiles and content can be the very thing that alienates us from others.

We've been talking about this a little in the office too, and all this social media chat has made me wonder exactly what sort of image I'm portraying digitally. I'm not posting explicit content, or moaning about my life, but perhaps my gushy, overly regular comments can be equally irritating. Perhaps I should learn to be quieter...

I'm a firm believer in the benefits of social media; especially for sharing messages, ideas and what you're passionate about. And that's why you'll find lots of social justice content on Joanna Callender's social media pages.

However, the personal stuff? Perhaps I should practise a little of what the above blog suggests...

"Let’s choose community. Let’s stop comparing. Let’s start connecting."

"Remember, the very best things in life can't be captured in status updates."

It's definitely worth a read if you've got over 100 friends on Facebook.... 
