
"...things that contribute to physical ease and well-being."

Having a busy schedule means craving peace and rest and comfort. Over the past few weeks I feel like I haven't stopped - with Church, office & socialising taking up most of my awake time. It's meant I've been neglecting the little things that I focused so much on at the start of my year. Some of my food has been bought without thinking of the ethical implications, some of my evenings haven't included Bible study or prayer, and I've hopped on the bus even though it's healthier and more environmentally friendly to walk.

When busy hits, comfort becomes more and more attractive. And living differently, living radically, living wholeheartedly for God becomes trickier as good food and movies become the norm. I was given two months of free Lovefilm, and already have been lured into the West Wing. It's difficult to live uncomfortably when there's so much around us that's willing us to be easily satisfied.

Rest is good. Rest is beneficial - in fact, read this great article on Threads about the subject. But there's a line between resting and laziness. And I know that I've adopted some habits recently which have made my life easier. 

And that's why this video from Ethos has really challenged me. It's a bit radical - just to warn you. But I loved this bit: 

"If I think of the times in my life when I've grown most in my character - it's been moments when I've been totally out of my comfort zone."

I can relate. This year I decided to challenge myself to live uncomfortably. And I've sort of stopped, a bit. This week I've been reminded to sacrifice time to pray, to hold those values that I believe in, and most importantly, to trust that God will provide.

I'm getting to stay in London for the summer and continue working in my office. And I'm very excited. But it's easy for my mind to jump ahead until the end of August and wonder, "what then?"

But another definition of Comfort is this: "...prosperity and the pleasant lifestyle secured by it."

I don't think I want to live to be financially prosperous, or to live pleasantly. It's a bit weird, but I think it's much more exciting to live uncomfortably. And I think as a Christian that's exciting. 

"A life of risk and mission."
