Christmas is my favourite for so many reasons. But especially because it enables time for peace and reflection in the busy fast paced world of life.
I haven't really stopped this year, and it's taken its toll as I arrive in Belfast weary and exhausted. I'm reflecting on what I've achieved this year, and enjoying some much needed rest. And in this peace and reflection I've discovered a few gems. This article on The Spectator is one, as prominent figures answer the question:"What would you tell your 14-year-old self?"
This is a snippet from the Archbishop of Canterbury's response, and it's just great:
Mary's song of praise is a stronger response than I would be capable of. Her Magnificat is a beautiful song of praise which challenges me to be joyful when I'm weary and exhausted:
"My soul glorifies the Lord,
And my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour."
Luke 1:46-47
We speak of joy a lot in the Christmas season. But to seek real joy and to really rejoice is definitely a challenge in the hectic nature of our lives. This Christmas I'm trying to strip it back and remember the simple realities of a powerful story - the reason we celebrate Christmas at all.
"Joy: ORIGIN: Middle English, from Old French, 'joie', based on Latin 'gaudium', from 'gaudere', rejoice."
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