
Christmas is my favourite for so many reasons. But especially because it enables time for peace and reflection in the busy fast paced world of life.

I haven't really stopped this year, and it's taken its toll as I arrive in Belfast weary and exhausted. I'm reflecting on what I've achieved this year, and enjoying some much needed rest. And in this peace and reflection I've discovered a few gems. This article on The Spectator is one, as prominent figures answer the question:"What would you tell your 14-year-old self?" 

This is a snippet from the Archbishop of Canterbury's response, and it's just great: 

"...Christmas is not a fairy story, but the compelling opening of the greatest drama in history, with you as one of millions of players. Life will often be tough, but you will find more love than you can imagine now."

As we read those ever-familiar parts of our Bibles, it's easy to forget that it's not supposed to be 'just a story'. Mary was probably around 14 years old when an angel announced she would give birth to the Son of God. How absolutely terrifying. Imagine the fear - the possibility of being outcast from society, pregnant outside of marriage. For Mary, life would be tough. She would be ever weary and exhausted. Perhaps wondering why she was chosen. Maybe questioning how any good could come from a weak and helpless newborn child...

Mary's song of praise is a stronger response than I would be capable of. Her Magnificat is a beautiful song of praise which challenges me to be joyful when I'm weary and exhausted:

"My soul glorifies the Lord, 
 And my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour." 
 Luke 1:46-47

We speak of joy a lot in the Christmas season. But to seek real joy and to really rejoice is definitely a challenge in the hectic nature of our lives. This Christmas I'm trying to strip it back and remember the simple realities of a powerful story - the reason we celebrate Christmas at all. 

"Joy: ORIGIN: Middle English, from Old French, 'joie', based on Latin 'gaudium', from 'gaudere', rejoice."
