
My housemate's food purchases this evening. I never usually buy any of the above items. 

A few weeks ago I wrote some thoughts on my food habits and decided to follow a list of rules for Lent (check them out if you missed them first time round). A few weeks in, a couple of thoughts as I've finally had a chance to pause:

I've lost count of the number of times I've complained -  it turns out doing Lent simply also means saying, "no thanks!" in the office at least once a day. For me it usually turns into, "no thanks, I've given up everything for Lent and it's really boring." I'm being challenged by my self-centredness and being humbled by those in my house and office for their ongoing patience!

There are only so many things you can make with carrots and potatoes - although personal favourite discoveries of simple Lent include parsnip rosti burgers, butter bean & kale mustard salad, toast with honey and the ever wonderful british cup of tea.

There is so much food at our fingertips - this evening's jealous moment is the image above. And while I wouldn't normally purchase any of the above, the simple restriction of choice I've imposed on myself has been the most challenging. I've forgotten that food comes across the globe. I've taken for granted our British ability to source strawberries whenever we need them; or indian spices so that we can recreate that takeaway.

There's so much convenience too - i've missed being able to grab lunch from the shop across the street; or getting a flat white from the local cafe that I frequent so very often. I'm reminded of those living in the middle of nowhere who have no access to such places. And again, I've ignored the blessings on my doorstep.

Eating is a blessing - and I've been surprised by how little food is necessary when some is taken away. Two weeks later and I don't miss mid-morning snacks - and I still haven't eaten cake. Don't get me wrong, I've eaten enough British cheese and butter to make up for those lost calories. But the overarching theme is that we've been given food to enjoy. Eating with others remains my favourite and it's been joyful to sit and chat over food shared together.

Pause: "a temporary stop in action or speech"

And so I continue.
