
Remembrance day feels especially pertinent this year. But because of the presence of war, rather than its absence.

Today I'm full of remembering. Remembering the past; the millions of individuals who fought, either because they were forced to or chose to. The humble poppy evoking memories. Lest we forget.

I'm full of remembering. Remembering the present; the wars that continue in the background of our lives.  The individuals living in conflict countries, forced to live in fear, worry and uncertainty because they'll never know when the next attack might be.

So alongside respect and gratitude for those who fought, I'm feeling uneasiness and pain for those who live in places of conflict and cannot leave.

I work for a charity that works in dangerous places. This week I read stories from one conflict area. I read about parents whose lives have been destroyed because of the death of their son.  I read about a mother who lied to her children; saying the fighting was far away when in reality, it was on their doorstep. I read about a father who had no hopes or dreams for his children because he was too scared that they might die.

And I just cannot comprehend that this is the world that we live in. Or, that this is the world that many people live in. These stories are worlds apart from my everyday existence. I can't imagine what it must be like to live consistently in fear. Where life is full of pain. In a place where hoping is too much like dreaming because the reality is far more horrendous.

I'm full of remembering, even though it's painful to think about soldiers dying in wars that affected my country's history. And I'm full of remembering people living in those dangerous places, like those I met this week on my computer screen. Their stories made me cry. I don't want to forget.

Prayer is utterly important. Giving money is vital. Not forgetting is a priority.

Lest we forget the past. Lest we forget the present.

Remembering: "...have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of someone or something."
